Who would have thought Tasikmalaya offers a nice peaceful area of tea plantation? One hour ride from town via motorcycle or car – reaching the destination isn’t a struggle for anyone because the road was nicely built with smooth asphalt. So, Tasikmalaya is not always about handicrafts, batiks and embroidery.
I asked my local best friend a favour – which I have known for around 14 years who lives in Tasikmalaya – to take me to the tea plantation area. Well, since the previous 5 years I have been exploring a lot out of Java Island. So, I guess now is the perfect time for me to explore my hometown.
Taking a motorcycle, wasn’t a bad idea. It was nice to feel the clean wind gusting your face during the ride. Although it was rainy season that time – but that day was perfect! It didn’t rain at all. Quite frankly, I had doubts in the morning to go but I ended up being so grateful that I had went.
Arriving at the place – Desa Banyuasih, Taraju District, the ACD Tea Plantation was like a discovery for me. The area is such a peaceful place. Clean from air and noise pollution. Very quiet with chilly weather.
If you ever come to this place, take your time to absorb the nature while you can because you can’t always have it in the city life.

Taraju Tea Plantation