Dormom is the Asmat language for all kinds of greetings. My love for Asmat, Papua is endless. One of the many unique gems that belongs to Indonesia lies at the far east of Indonesia. The pure energy, nature engaging and friendly people are the special magnet that captured my heart. The local people’s unbelievable creativity are beyond amazing. It seems that their creativeness and imagination are living inside them since before they were born. The precious skill are poured into their exotic wood crafts and noken (local messenger bags).
A man holding a woodcraft of Asmat, Papua
Asmat women showing their handmade nokens

Asmat resides at the South-western coast area in Papua province, Indonesia. The term Asmat refers to both its people and its region. Astronomically positioned in the 40 – 70 South Latitude and 1370 -1400 East Longitude, the Asmat tribes inhabit on a land that spreads from 0m – 100m above sea level which consists of many rivers including the 2 big important ones which are Lorenz and Betz. These rivers are used for water transportation and source of water. They live in the tropical climate with sago as their subsistence.
Although, living by the swamp area and lowland rain-forest, they have high spirit for life, hope and love as they are fulfilled by their richness of nature.
Asmat Traditional House - Jew House

Asmat Regency Map, Papua
Geographic location:
North: Ndugu Regency and Yahukimo Regency
South: Arafuru Sea and Mappi Regency
West: Arafuru Sea and Mimika Regency
East: Boven Digoel Regency and Mappi Regency
P.S If you want to experience a wild adventure at Asmat, to see how they live or to see the Korowai Tribes -the only tribes in the world who lives on a tall tree please drop me an email to I will arrange the trip for you.
All photographs are Fiona Callaghan’s.
Note from The Adventuress:
Always stay as a Conscious Adventurer with The Adventuress spirit of Peace, Love, Adventure, Nature, and Positivity or PLAN+ in short. With that, you wouldn’t want to harm the nature and destroy it. Rather you would want to explore the earth to learn its beauty as your private experience that will teach you to be a better person each day and value the wonderful creation of God.
Peace & Light,
The Adventuress